Hey! It’s been a long time, but now’s the right time to be re-visiting our discussion on the mid-life, quarter life, and whole-life crises. Not that I haven’t been thinking about it, on the contrary, but I haven’t really had to write much down. Why? Well, the entire planet has been going through a mid-life crisis at the SAME TIME. Yes, I really think so. I mean, we had all the time in the world to contemplate our multiverse, our various potential realities we could have lived; if only…. or still could?
Some people were forced, because of family separation, family prison, losing a loved one, or getting laid off, to have to re-evaluate the various aspects of their life’s structure. Appreciating what we have, questioning what we don’t, wondering if we’ll ever get the rest. The sourdough bread-making? A new red sports-car it’s not, but a cry for help if I’ve ever seen one. The puzzles, the drunk zooming, TikToks and, of course, the dog adoptions. That cuddle toy you brought home and didn’t train doesn’t go away after your favorite karaoke bar opens back up. I’m sure a lot of people were just filling time and still others will never acknowledge their crisis, but it sure looked familiar to me. And now, coming out of the pandemic we have what’s being called the YOLO economy, https://www.nytimes.com/2021/04/21/technology/welcome-to-the-yolo-economy.html. Have we realized how much we take our world for granted? Did the pandemic trigger our sense of mortality the same way turning 40 does for a lot of people? I think there’s more to it than just cabin fever.
I did buy stock in dog health insurance. You need that. Go get it. I’m sure it’s not a rip off, I mean, it’s insurance!
I, for one, am sad the pandemic is coming to an end. For a good year plus, I was basking in the glow of dim, filtered light. The Shelter-In-Place order? Pure bliss to introverts. I didn’t have to pretend to socialize. “Let’s stay safe,” I’d say, “follow the guidance.” I’m willing to sacrifice my social life for the good of the herd. Six feet? Are you sure that’s enough? Everyone’s smoking weed in a dark room? Hey, we’re all in this together, whatever it takes. Wait, we don’t even have to talk to the pizza delivery person? They just walk away and leave it at your door? HALLELUJAH! YES. Now, I’m not a total sociopath, all the isolation, fear, death, lack of human connection, sometimes panic… it was troubling, of course. But I made it out ok-ish from my crisis, so I knew the world would too, and they’d be better for it.
So what will we do when we come out of this? Will we have resolutions on our new lease on life? Will we just party and go right back to our old selves? People loved to say things like “the new normal,” but we have collective amnesia. We quickly forget the latest traumatic news, the last mass shooting, pandemic, or war atrocity. It’s in our human nature to move beyond trauma. It’s a biological advantage, so we’ll be fine? But that’s exactly what I’m scared of, people are going to start feeling better! Where does that leave me? I’m gonna miss it! I can’t thinly disguise my depression in the global pandemic? Should I go back to ‘seasonal?’ Sh*t! I already miss you, pandemic.
I am absolutely designing T-shirts right now that say something like “Please don’t speak to me, I’m still self-quarantined.” Is there a universal symbol for social distancing? A hand inside a big yellow triangle? Now we’re talking. At least when people ask me about what I’m doing with my life I can blame the pandemic for not doing jack squat for what, at least the rest of this year, right? “Sorry, can’t come visit you this fall, there are still some cases out there, better stay safe.” I mean that one might not work if I’m vaccinated. Maybe “Hey sorry, I needed to get a new phone because of the pandemic and I didn’t have your number.” Yeah, that’s good, that can last me ‘til at least 2022, right?
Oh Mr. Fauci, if you flash that shelter-in-place light into the sky, I will obey. For the good of my beloved local community.
OK then, bye.