Hi All,
This is the first installment of a mid-life crisis blog for the modern miserable. What does the term even mean these days? Who gets to have one? Can you have two, maybe more? What is a mid-quarter crisis and why do millennials want to be included? We’ll look at all these questions, making no attempt to provide too many answers, because I think answering questions with questions is good business. Practical advice? Maybe. Don’t get your hopes up. We’ll tackle your typical scenarios such as step by step instructions to a newly single Dad on how to order a hipster coffee, date outside your age group, and find a therapist.
BUT, that’s just the tip of the iceberg.
One of the ideas I want to explore is just how antiquated the idea of what the mid-life crisis looks like. Let’s be honest, it’s locked in the 1980’s; it doesn’t seem to address our modern world, there’s no female perspective, no complexities of the internet age and social media bombardment, changes in marriage trends, etc. Now, I don’t think we need to spin these ideas politically, but what I’ve found so far is that the experience seems to still be real, it seems to affect most everyone and it’s harder than ever, because we’re still not talking about it.
Here at Metaphorically F’d, we started writing before we finished the research, so we can write from a perspective of discovery, and we reserve the right to completely blast our previous opinions out of the water.
And, on another note, I’ve taken some of my own experiences and research and channeled it into my music. The songs I’m writing and release these days have everything to do with the themes that a forty something may be going through.
Please make sure you are signed up via our email list, or have your RSS feed subscribed, whatever works. PLEASE feel FREE to email me at matt@mattswayze.com, I’m especially interested in hearing from potential female writers to collaborate with!
Our first topic is coming soon. Stay tuned!